How authentic an Italian are you?

No intro needed for the fabulous Pecora Nera (Black Sheep), an Englishman in Italy…

Englishman in Italy

I asked Mrs Sensible if I could pass for an Italian, not a chance she said, you don’t dress like an Italian, you don’t think like an Italian and even the Italian words you know, sound funny when you use them. To prove her wrong I have put together the following test.


I know I could pass for an Italian when it comes to driving and parking. Driving on the wrong side of the road comes completely natural to me. In fact I have even managed to drive around the roundabout the wrong way; I would have got away with the mistake had Mrs S not been in the car at the time and decided to have a screaming fit. She made me do a three-point turn on the roundabout and go the correct way. The roundabout mistake has faded from my memory, Mrs S on the other hand…

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4 Comments Add yours

  1. Pecora Nera says:

    You are just way too nice for words, thank you for re-blogging my post. I will send you a virtual hug and one of my scabby cats via Fedex

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Send it via the Italian postal system instead.
      If I hop about suspiciously on that high walkway at the paramilitary post office, they might bump it off with one of their laser-guided sniper rifles.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Pecora Nera says:

        If I send it via the Italian post office, I will have to include at least three months food…

        Liked by 1 person

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